As an artist I believe that I am, in my most fundamental form, a storyteller.

I'm interested in the idea that stories can be told in a variety of ways, accomplishing different goals depending on the medium in which they are presented. My stories often take the form of visual art; as chalk pastel drawings, pen & ink drawings, prints, or digital paintings. Other times, my stories drift into the world of writing, or pausing somewhere in between writing and visual art, in the realm of comics and illustration.

On a personal level, stories (particularly of the fantastic kind) are intrinsic to how I navigate my life; they’ve guided me from an early age and will continue to do so. On a broader level, the art of storytelling evolves as it crosses boundaries between media, class divisions and categories, continually contributing to what is perhaps humanity’s most ancient and sacred ritual:

"As far back as we have records, humans have told stories of their gods and created vast, unseen orders in which mighty powers contend.... The will to narrate, it seems, is as strong in hominins as the will to believe in something greater than ourselves."
-Douglas Cowan, from his book Magic, Monsters & Make-Believe Heroes

In my work, I seek to entice my audience into other worlds, where they are encouraged to revel in the potential of mythic imagination. In doing so, I hope to instill the notion that there are things in this world we cannot understand, implying that anything could be possible.